Monday 9 March 2009

been dazed an confused for so long its not true mondi. or. new week, new life?

there are two things kicking off for me this week. if they both come off as i hope they will, it will be a freakin sweet week! hell if one of em comes off it'll still be pretty damned freakin sweet! fingers crossed man.

i had two dreams last night an i can only remember a bit of one. i woke up at some point thinkin-woof! gotta get that bad boy down a.s.a.p. so lets see if it comes back to me.

god i think thats it fer the moment. except. . . . . whats a googlewhack?!?!? and no ''you can get cream for that you know'' remarks cheers mate ta!

and because this post REALLY needs an image-

brought to thi by john paul jones,
the hulk,

elrossiter x x x x x x x x x x x

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